Your privacy is important to us. We want to store your data safely and ensure that they remain well protected. We also let you know what we do with your data when we use them respectfully to better serve you.
We start from the principle that everyone has control over their personal data and everyone has the right not to share or no longer share it with us. This privacy policy states what personal information we can collect from you, how we use that information and with whom we may share it. We explain what we do to protect your privacy, how you have a say and what checks are performed to ensure compliance with this policy. This privacy policy applies to the collection, management, use and sharing of your data by Timstor Nv.
This privacy policy must be seen together with our general conditions. We can change our privacy policy at any time and make the most recent version available on our website
This privacy policy has been reviewed and last modified on May 25th, 2018.

Our contact details:
Timstor Nv
Hoge Mauw 1040
2370 Arendonk, Belgium
BE0442 044 737
Tel.: +32 (0)14 67 34 61

When does this policy apply?

This privacy policy applies when you visit our website or when having contact with our sales staff.  By visiting our website or contacting our sales staff, you give us permission to collect and to use personal information as described in this privacy policy.


What data do we collect?

We collect your data in order to be able to perform our services, to improve and to inform you about our activities, our promotions or products purchased by you. You pass on some of this information directly to us – for example via forms on our website, with your business card, with your orders, in your e-mail traffic with us.
We distinguish different types of personal data. They allow us to propose and offer our products:


Why do we collect this data?

We process personal data for various reasons, whereby we only process the data that are necessary to achieve our goal. With your permission, as far as required, we collect personal data for the following concrete purposes:

To process your requests about our products

If you visit our website or have contact with our sales staff to gather information or to request information about our products, we need your data. We use all the information we receive about you to provide you with the requested information, in the manner that you state.

To offer you the best service

We keep your records to improve our customer service. If we want to set up, maintain and support our products correctly, we need that information. In this way we can also contact you for the next step in our cooperation or to request feedback about our products. If there are technical problems or malfunctions on our part, then we must be able to inform you.

To inform you about our products and activities

We may use your information to inform you about existing and new products, special promotions, events and others, to do direct marketing or to create a profile about you so that we can inform you about matters that we believe to be relevant for you.
We can do this in writing, electronically and by telephone. You will only receive communication by e-mail if you have given your explicit permission for this, insofar as this is required.


Who is managing your data?

All personal data are managed by Timstor Nv.  Within Timstor Nv, the data is only accessible to persons who have access to it in function of their tasks.  We work with third parties for some aspects of our services. This means, among other things, that we temporarily pass on data to third parties for certain tasks. If we do so, we will always ensure that your data is treated confidentially and used in a secure manner.  The transfer of your data is only for the same purposes as with Timstor NV itself. We ensure that they, just like us, manage your data safely and respectfully.
At no time do we sell or rent your information to companies or persons that are not part of our company.  We regard your data as confidential information. If we otherwise provide personal data to third parties, this will be done with an explicit communication, in which the third party is informed, the purposes of the transfer and processing. Where required by law, we ask for your express consent. You always have the opportunity to resist.


View, correct or delete data?

You have the right to access your data. You can ask us whether we process your personal data, for which reason we process it, what categories of data we process, what third party categories we share your personal data with, what the origin of the processed data is and what logic we use when we automatically would process certain personal data.
Your right of access you can do in writing, for the attention of Timstor Nv, Hoge Mauw 1040 – 2370 Arendonk, Belgium or by e-mail to  We have 30 days to answer your request.  This period starts when we have received your request in writing and have all the information required to fulfil your request. In order to exercise your right of access and to prevent any unauthorized disclosure of your personal data, we may ask you for proof of your identity. We will not ask you for a copy of your identity card. You also have the right to have incomplete, incorrect, inappropriate or outdated personal data removed or changed. You can always contact us by e-mail or by mail. We will then adjust this information as necessary within the statutory deadlines.
We also cannot always delete all requested data, for example because we are legally obliged to keep data for a specific period. To keep your data up-to-date, we request that you notify us of any change.

No direct marketing?

You always have the right to oppose the use of your personal data for direct marketing without giving any reason. You can always contact us by e-mail or by mail.


How long do we keep your personal data?

We ensure appropriate organizational and technical measures to secure personal data. We may not store personal data for longer than is necessary to achieve the purpose for which we collect it. The storage period can therefore differ per goal and can sometimes be very short. After the applicable retention periods have expired, personal data will be completely anonymised or deleted. We process user data up to ten years after the last operational contact between us, for traffic data it is a maximum of one and a half years.



If you have questions about our privacy policy or you do want to contact us to change your details, we are always ready to offer a suitable answer. You can reach us by e-mail, in writing or by telephone using the contact details below.
Through this way you can also submit a complaint that we treat as quickly as possible. If you are not satisfied with our response, you can also contact the government and more specifically the Commission for the protection of privacy.
The contact details are on their website:


Our contact details:
Timstor Nv
Hoge Mauw 1040
2370 Arendonk, Belgium
BE0442 044 737
Tel.: +32 (0)14 67 34 61